Jon Houglum's Original Oil Paintings in the Traditions of the Old Masters
The Online Houglum Fine Art Galleries feature original oil paintings by professional artist Jon Houglum.  He is a classical oil painter and oil painting teacher. He displays a masterful and realistic rendering of his subjects. His paintings of North Carolina waterfalls, rivers, lakes, low country scenes, views of the Blue Ridge Parkway, countryside landscapes, still lifes, and portraits turn your eyes back to the eighteenth century when every brush stroke made a statement to the viewer.  In his paintings, you see and feel moved by the moment.  He has dedicated his entire adult life to painting and has created stunning collections of museum-caliber artworks. As you view the painting galleries, you will see how he captures the spectacular beauty of the scenery with oils on canvas with passion creating "stunning lights from within.” ​​​
To order a painting contact Jon Houglum to make shipping arrangements.  All paintings are shipped unframed allowing you to choose a frame suitable for your home décor. 
Email: - Phone (828)369-7274